About Me!


Hello, My names Daniel, But everyone knows me as Dex.Q1: Whats your Pronouns?A: All Pronouns! Nonpreferred ones, But It's Ususally He/HimQ2: Whats your Sexuality?A: My Sexuality is Omnisexual and Hypersexual!

Q3: What's your Gender? (What do you prefer to be called?)A: My Gender Label is Bigender, which is Boy and Girl, and you can call me by any pronoun! (he/him, she/her)Q4: Are you in a commited Relationship?

YEAH !! , he is the greatest boyfriend ever <3

Q5: What are your Known Disorders?A: Autistic (Pseudotypical) and DID System, OCD, w/ ASD And, My Personality Traits are: ENFJ-T & ENTJ-T
I am also Neurodivergent and Epliepsic (Not confirmed. but I have had seziures before. )
Q6: When is it your Birthday?A: November 19 !!Q7: How old are you?A: 14 !! :']
Q8: What are your favourite Hobbies?
A: I love to draw and create new art-pieces! I also love to play with friends and discuss about multiple fandoms!
[Current Fandom: ROBLOX]
I also develop games, im still a beginner and still learning ! (Im currently working on a Project named THE SILLY GAMESHOW with a lovely community!)
I also love to hangout with my lovely boyfriend <3 and close friends !!
I love all my friends! : 3

And it is I, Tela to the M-O-N, am.. The greatest!

Remember! This site will be updated if new Data and Ideas/Questions are asked/shown up!